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서민채학생의 연수후기

게시물 등록정보
작성자 BEST 등록일 2010-04-08 조회수 778

When  I arrived in the Philippines. I expected everything in Cebu. However, I'm disappointed about everything because this camp is worse than second camp in Davao. The hotel is smaller than 
second camp. Also Korean staff is worse than the second camp and more strict. Here staff pressured us. My first clas in this camp. I felt just fine. I studied with my Filipino teachers again and again. I felt better than the first time. When I will go back to Korea, maybe I will miss Filipino teachers
but I will not miss Korean staff. The Filipino Teachers thought me better English. However. I miss
my mother and father the first time because... I don,t have any reason. I just miss my mother and father but student's here almost very cute and funny so I felt good. Saturdays and Sundays are 
always special!!! Howere, its just every weekends. When it is weekdays I always wakes up at 6 o'clock and I always have stress. I think, the Filipino teachers almos cute and beautiful because their actions are cute!! Korean staff are just fine.. because Their actions are not cute. Actually, I wanted 
to go back in Davao camp. At that time, there were also sparta and some Korean staff but there were
more better than here!! Maybe. my impression in here is so " I don't want to come here again!!" 
I don't like and I don't want it. Just one time is good for me. However, this  camp is nice because 
the students and the teachers are nice!!!!

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