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배준하학생의 영어연수후기

게시물 등록정보
작성자 BEST 등록일 2011-03-07 조회수 624

I feel good in my camp here in bestuhaknet camp.  Because from monday to friday I was studying very hard. but on saturday It was great and so good. Because on saterday junior camp students will play and swim but swimming pool is so deep for me and I feel bad that time was very bad because I was short and I cried and I can't sleepy fast. because I have to study and I have to stay in dining room. I have memorize all words and all sentenses to be checked with and all my books. but I finish but I need to check diary but this is already finished on thursday. It was very very hard and group class study was so fun because I can play and with prize with group students and later is so happy because I can go back home but I'm sad because I miss the students and my teachers but I can see my father, my mother and then my sister and uncle and my father can buy snack but English camp feels so sad. - fun - finish

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